Una revisión de la concepción popperiana de la ciencia empírica


  • Jorge Alfredo Roetti CONICET. Académico Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires. Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, Salzburg, Austria. Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, Bruselas, Bélgica.


Popper, falsification, confirmation


The Popperian theory for empirical sciences is indeed strong and authoritative. It lacks of defects, if the “transition rules” from hypotheses to basic statements are rules of sufficient foundation, and the foundation degrees for empirical statements are those Popper allows, for example falsifi cation and confirmation. The system of science however may be enlarged if we accept some different foundation degrees, even probabilities, and weaker “transition rules” as those of insufficient or fallible foundation. A weaker rule allows us to increase the structural possibilities in the building of empirical sciences and enables us to consider the Popperian system, despite it strength, a particular way in the building of empirical sciences.


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How to Cite

Roetti, J. A. (2018). Una revisión de la concepción popperiana de la ciencia empírica. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, 1(46), 9–30. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/1192


