Teología y técnica en la destrucción de la tierra


  • Rubén H. Ríos UBA


theology, technical, technicalization


From a theologian of the technique like Friedrich Dessauer, outstanding in the first half of the last century, to the encyclical Laudato If, there has been a shift in the Christian religious thought about the technicalization of the world. If in the former metaphysics and biblical exegesis are articulated to support the technical intervention on nature, in support of the spiritualization of man, in the environmental message of Pope Francisco the meaning of the theological foundation to the destruction of the earth is reversed, caused by the technocratic paradigm. However, just as the theology of Dessauer rejected any suspicions of technical progress, Bergoglio’s encyclical is paralyzed in the characters of the ecological disaster caused by a technique which is already in decline


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How to Cite

Ríos, R. H. (2018). Teología y técnica en la destrucción de la tierra. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, 1(46), 101–117. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/1323


