La concepción estética en la obra tardía de Nietzsche. La influencia de Charles Féré sobre la función del artista dionisíaco


  • Marina Silenzi Universität Basel


aesthetic, Dionysian, psychomotor induction


The art has a fundamental role in the Nietzschean philosophy. In this article I present an interpretation of Nietzsche’s aesthetic conception, developed in some of his posthumous fragments corresponding to workbook W II 5 of 1888. These fragments are Nietzsche’s preparatory step for writing Skirmishes of an untimely man 8, 9 and 10 be-longing to Twilight of the Idols (2001a). Throughout this article I try to show what a challenging task would be to fully understand Nietzsche’s aphorisms containedin Twilight of the Idols with-out reading such posthumous.


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How to Cite

Silenzi, M. (2018). La concepción estética en la obra tardía de Nietzsche. La influencia de Charles Féré sobre la función del artista dionisíaco. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, 1(46), 119–134. Retrieved from


