Lo social en La condición humana de Hannah Arendt: posibles aperturas políticas


  • Florencia Garrido Larreguy Universidad Nacional del Sur


Social factors, Productive labor, The World


In The Human Condition, Arendt establishes the conceptual framework of her political theory and it is also there where she presents a mainly negative vision with respect to social concerns. This German authoress blames the social sphere for the disappearance of the necessary public space for political action. We will dedicate ourselves to refute the alleged negativity by which Arendt addresses social factors in the text. It seems that within the realm of social concerns, different aspects, both positive and negative, can be identifi ed. Those social factors, through their main activity –the productive labour–, create a world that would achieve the necessary stability for action, despite a constant change. This would allow us to think about the possible political openings of that area.


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How to Cite

Larreguy, F. G. (2019). Lo social en La condición humana de Hannah Arendt: posibles aperturas políticas. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (43/44), 127–145. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/1492


