Entre Kojève y Bataille: la polémica en torno a la negatividad, la acción y el saber


  • Natalia Lorio UNC – CONICET


Negativity, Action, Knowledge


The question of negativity and the reappropiation of the problematic of desire that took place in the last century in France within post-hegelian thought has given place to multiple articula-tions. In this paper we revisit, on the one hand, Kojève’s Hegelian lecture of negativity (traversed by the agony), in which the action and its satisfaction are assimilated with the end of his-tory. On the other hand, we regard the questioning of negativity as action and belonging to the end of history, which Bataille undertakes nourished by the Kojèvian lecture of the Hegelian negativity. In the tension that Bataille continuously establishes with Hegelianism in regard to knowledge and its possibility of closure and fi nishing, the irreducibility of experience and the burden of the death of Hegel’s and Kojève’s thought is always present. Our interest is to cover the different moments of tension between Kojève and Bataille in which a polemic that goes beyond the end of history and points towards the meaning of action and knowledge is traced.


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How to Cite

Lorio, N. (2019). Entre Kojève y Bataille: la polémica en torno a la negatividad, la acción y el saber. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (43/44), 167–190. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/1496


