Bataille: el acéfalo y lo social sagrado


  • Andrés Mora Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Bataille, Acéphale, Sacred


This article is about the necessary contact between the profane social order –based on rules– and the sacred forces that arise from it. In this sense, life is regulated under the duties of order. As a result, this inertia reveals the symptom of an ordinary life, without passion. The contact with the sacred forces is the only way to overcome the impasse that the profane order suffers. In 1937, during the social crisis, Bataille founded the secret com-munity Acéphale, under the shadows of Nietzsche. At the same time, it seemed clear to the Collège de Sociologie Sacré and to those of Caillois and Leiris that the society had lost the secret of its cohesion, that the sacred substrate constitutes its own energetic nucleus and that without that contact there is not a vital reality. Because the human being needs to relieve his anguish of desire, violence and death in the unlimited experience of the sacred there where he can recover the tragic conscience of his limit and integral monstrosity.


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How to Cite

Mora, A. (2019). Bataille: el acéfalo y lo social sagrado. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (43/44), 229–250. Retrieved from


