Modernidad, sujeto y trabajo en Heidegger y Foucault


  • Carolina Donnari UNS – CONICET


Heidegger, Foucault, Subjectivity


The following article analyzes how the notions of “work” and “subject” in Martin Heidegger’s and Michel Foucault’s thinking are related. In the first section, we will outline the main features of Heidegger’s concerns for the question about Being; we will study the notion of subject in the context of the critique of modern Metaphysics, in which man appears, for the fi rst time, as a “working animal”. In the second section, we will focus on Foucault’s analysis of the relationship between subjectivity and work, considering the formation of the subject and its double genesis in the field of knowledge and in the field of power. Finally, we will compare the coincidences and differences of these topics that can be found in both philosophers’ thinking.


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How to Cite

Donnari, C. (2019). Modernidad, sujeto y trabajo en Heidegger y Foucault. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 105–120. Retrieved from


