Marketing concept. Notas para una genealogía del marketing


  • Francisco López Corral Universidad Nacional del Sur


marketing, technology, power


The purpose of this article is to sketch some guidelines towards a historization of marketing conceived as a behavior technology of the individuals. To do this, it seeks to characterize a certain general diagram of this practice, called by the specialized literature “marketing concept”, as formulated in the 1950s and 1960s. This is a key moment in which a certain consensus is established regarding the theoretical definitions from which the marketing practice should be exercised professionally. From this characterization, the aim is to understand marketing not so much as a kind of “art of deception”, but rather as a complex technological regime, focused on a specific mode of production of the truth about the needs and desires of individuals. The truth whose condition of emergency requires the management of all aspects and factors, present in the circuit that includes the detection and elaboration of the need or desire in an effective demand.


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How to Cite

López Corral, F. . (2022). Marketing concept. Notas para una genealogía del marketing. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (47), 20–40. Retrieved from


