Axel Honneth sobre la Teoría Crítica de Max Horkheimer en Kritik der Macht


  • Alan Matías Florito Mutton Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn, UBA


critical theory, Horkheimer, Honneth


In Kritik der Macht, Axel Honneth analyzes the basic postulates of Max Horkheimer’s Critical Theory. This analysis is part of a broader examination of what he considers to be the main critical theories of the twentieth century. This work focuses on the analysis
that Honneth carries out, and on the evaluation of the judgments that he makes of Horkheimer’s political-critical program. We propose to review the aporias that Honneth points out as deficiencies in Horkheimer’s theory, and then to evaluate them in the light of the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt
School founder. From the critical positions
that were developed, we will try to show that both projects conglomerate diverse disciplines such as Marxist theory, Freudian psychology and sociology. These theoretical incorporations make important readjustments to the classical Marxist model and
reconfigure the horizon of political action during the 20th century, offering theoretical analyses that continue to be valuable in the spectrum of the
political theory in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Florito Mutton, A. M. (2022). Axel Honneth sobre la Teoría Crítica de Max Horkheimer en Kritik der Macht. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (47), 61–83. Retrieved from


