Acerca de la naturaleza de la idea rectora del ensayo kantiano “Idea para una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita”


  • Martín Arias Albisu CONICET


Kant, history, idea


The aim of this paper is to expose the concept of ‘idea’ used by Kant in his “Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan purpose” (1784). We will show that this idea is a regulative idea of the theoretical reason that is applied to human historical appearances. In this way, this idea directs the purpose of human history. The fact that there is an idea of the purpose of human history can be conceived in an a priori way, though the determination of the nature of this idea has a tentative character. Finally, although the idea of human history has a theoretical character, it can be fruitfully applied on a practical intention.


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How to Cite

Arias Albisu, M. (2022). Acerca de la naturaleza de la idea rectora del ensayo kantiano “Idea para una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita”. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (47), 84–101. Retrieved from


