Gesto inhibido. La relación entre estética y psicopatología en el análisis existencial (Daseinanalyse)


  • Leandro Catoggio Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


aesthetics, psychopathology , existential analysis


The present work analyzes the relationship between aesthetics and psychopathology based on the phenomenology of Henri Maldiney and the existential analysis developed by Ludwig Binswanger and Roland Kuhn. The purpose of the first part is to show the phenomenological status of the aesthetic dimension from the concept of gesture used by Maldiney and recognized as the original articulation space of personal life. Hence, the aesthetic is understood in the old sense of the Greek aisthesis combining a phenomenology of art with the original contact of the person with the world. In the second part, this aproach is applied in relation to cases presented by Binswanger and Kuhn to describe the level of pathogenesis. Finally, the possibility of a methodological development for certain problematic aspects in the field of phenomenological psychiatry is pointed out.


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Maldiney, Henri (2007), Penser l´homme et la folie, Paris, Millon.

---- (2012a), Regard Parole Espace, París, Cerf.

----- (2012b), L´art, l'éclair de l´être, París, Cerf.

Maldiney, Henri y Kuhn, Roland (2017), Rencontre/Begegnung. Au péril d´existir, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neuman.

Binswanger, Ludwig (1972), Tres formas de la existencia frustrada, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu.

Gadamer, Hans Georg (1987), Gesammelte Werke 3, Tubinga, Mohr.

Heidegger, Martin (1963), Sein und Zeit, Tubinga, Max Niemeyer Verlag.

Kafka, Franz (1998), El Castillo, Buenos Aires, Emecé.

Klee, Paul (2007), Teoría del arte moderno, Buenos Aires, Cactus.

Kuhn, Roland (2007), Ecrits sur l´analyse existentielle, París, L´Harmattan.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1945), Phénoménologie de la perception, París, Gallimard.

How to Cite

Catoggio, L. . (2022). Gesto inhibido. La relación entre estética y psicopatología en el análisis existencial (Daseinanalyse). Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (48), 50–65. Retrieved from


