Reflexiones sobre la retención terciaria: Husserl, Twardowski y Stiegler


  • Sebastián Agustín Torrez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


tertiary retention, time consciousness, psychophysical products


This work researches the notion of ‘tertiary retention’ as externalized memory in technical supports of Stiegler who considers the technique as prior to humans. For this reason, it appeals to Twardowski’s theory of actions and products and Husserl’s theory of time consciousness. The main objective is to show new links between the Philosophy of techniques and Phenomenology, in their approaches to individual and collective experiences related to technique and time. The complementation of the potentialities of these theoretical tools will allow us to build critical positions in the face of the social consequences produced by the industrialization of memory.


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How to Cite

Torrez, S. A. . (2022). Reflexiones sobre la retención terciaria: Husserl, Twardowski y Stiegler. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (49), 10–27. Retrieved from


