¿Siempre fuimos cyborgs? Los alcances de un enfoque coevolutivo para conceptualizar el vínculo humano-técnica


  • Nahir Fernández Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


technique, prosthesis, coevolution


The aim of this article is to present several approaches from which the link between humans and technique has been addressed, evaluating its advantages and limitations to explain this phenomenon. In the first place, we will present the prosthetic conception of technique, which includes artificiality as a prosthesis that the human being has generated to survive, given its original biological lack. Then, we will explain another approach that abandons the assumption of a deficient biology, but maintains a unidirectional explanation of the technical phenomenon based on the supposed fixity of human nature. This perspective emphasizes the role of technique as an extension of the human being. Third, we will present what we call the coevolutionary approach, which proposes an explanation of the link between humans and artificial environments, overcoming, in our opinion, the limitations that arose from the use of notions such as prosthetics or amplification. Starting with concepts from biology, such as the notion of niche and of interdependence between organism and environment, we will analyze the cyborg conception that rejects the presupposition of a fixed biological human nature, and thinks about the constitutive interaction between biology and material culture.


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How to Cite

Fernández, N. (2022). ¿Siempre fuimos cyborgs? Los alcances de un enfoque coevolutivo para conceptualizar el vínculo humano-técnica. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (49), 28–46. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/3767


