El concepto de “Intervenciones democráticas” en la obra de Andrew Feenberg


  • Carolina Inés Araujo Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


democratic interventions, operational autonomy, margin of maneuver


The aim of this article is to examine the concept of democratic interventions related to operational autonomy and margin of maneuver, in the writings of the contemporary philosopher of technology, Andrew Feenberg. First, I consider the analysis of Feenberg in reference to the treatment of patients with ALS in contrast to patients with AIDS. Then, I explain the connection between these concepts and the processes of technical transformation and technological democratization within the framework of the Critical Theory of Technology (CTT). After contextualizing the general proposal of the CTT, I describe the distinction of types of democratic interventions of technology and Feenberg’s appropriation of De Certeau’s ideas of strategy and tactics to formulate the notions of operational autonomy and margin of maneuver. In this article, I propose to clarify the articulation between these concepts in order to explain a specific condition of democratic interventions and, likewise, to propose the hierarchy of these democratic interventions.


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How to Cite

Araujo, C. I. . (2022). El concepto de “Intervenciones democráticas” en la obra de Andrew Feenberg. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (49), 65–82. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/3768


