Mujeres y máquinas: alianzas políticas en el ciberfeminismo de Sadie Plant


  • Aldana D'Andrea UNRC, IDH-UNC-CONICET


cyberfeminism, women, machines


In this writing, we have dealt with the alliance between women and machines as a technopolitical proposal of Sadie Plant’s cyberfeminism developed in the 1990s. In the first place, we have located the emergence of the cyberfeminist account in a context of technological, epistemic and cultural change from where it is possible to understand it as a technological feminism. Second, we have approached Plant’s cyberfeminist proposal, focusing on the conceptual differentiation between classical technologies and new technologies, as the axis of the possibility of a feminist policy based on the identification between women and machines. In this regard, we propose that the appropriation of this identification is primarily an oppositional identification strategy and, as such, constitutes the foundation that reveals the emancipatory option after the cyberfeminist reading of digitization as feminization.


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How to Cite

D’Andrea, A. (2022). Mujeres y máquinas: alianzas políticas en el ciberfeminismo de Sadie Plant. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (49), 83–101. Retrieved from


