El Estado entre metáforas. Maquiavelo y el vínculo del ámbito médico con el ámbito político


  • Carolina Y. Andrada-Zurita Universidad Nacional del Sur, Universidad Nacional de Rosario y Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21


Machiavelli, medical metaphor, political conflict


In the present article, we deal with the medical metaphor in two works by Machiavelli, such as The Prince and Discourses on the first decade of Tito Livio. First, we will analyze the medical metaphor in relation to the notion of lo stato. Second, we will plant the notion of conflict as a disease. Third, we will deal with the image of the ruler as a doctor. Next, we will address the diagnostic procedure that the ruler will carry out, in order to determine what is afflicting the political body, and in turn to be able to specify what measures are necessary to adopt to restore its health. That is, the medication to be provided. Finally, we will point out how the mood balance is achieved within the State, that is to say, how health is maintained.


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How to Cite

Andrada-Zurita, C. Y. . (2022). El Estado entre metáforas. Maquiavelo y el vínculo del ámbito médico con el ámbito político. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (50), 33–50. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/3839


