Bases para una filosofía política del dinero en la era ciberespacial


  • Hernán Gabriel Borisonik CONICET - UNSAM
  • Marco Mallamaci CONICET - UNSJ - UNSAM


money, politics, digitality


This article seeks to pose the problem of money in cyberspace, based on the philosophical question of technique and political philosophy, as a foundation to think about a political economy specific to the digital era. As an introduction, certain elements of the historical process of shaping the informational world and cyberspace are highlighted in order to focus on the economic dimension, and more specifically on the problem of money. From there, the text is divided into four parts. Firstly, it proposes a historical overview of the displacements that have shaped money in capitalist societies, from metallism and the first banks to Central Banks, the financial system and informational money. Next, the problem of technique is reviewed, linking it to the question of “the Being of money”. And then, certain elements are proposed for a definition of the monetary dimension from the concepts of technique, medium and device. Finally, it opens up a horizon of issues and possibilities regarding the present and future of monetary functions in cyberspace societies.


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How to Cite

Borisonik, H. G. ., & Mallamaci, M. . (2023). Bases para una filosofía política del dinero en la era ciberespacial. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (51), 60–83. Retrieved from


