Deleuze: Surfing the Ocean of Time with the Differential Relation Cinema / Philosophy




Deleuze, cinema, surf


In this paper, we will show that Gilles Deleuze’s writings on cinema must not be considered as a research in the seventh art, but as a quest of new philosophical tools in the context of the new image of thought that emerges during the XXth Century (which is erratic, disperse and precarious). Time is out of joint, and it is thus impossible to think exclusively with the traditional tools of philosophy—that is, writing. By complementing the books and seminars on cinema with other works of Deleuze from the same period, we will characterize our time’s image of thought and argue that it is only possible to surf its energy beam with the concepts that are created by the differential relationship between cinema and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Ferreyra, J. (2024). Deleuze: Surfing the Ocean of Time with the Differential Relation Cinema / Philosophy. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 33–52.


