Cinema-debate: Philosophy and affects in education




philosophy, cinema-debate, cultural heritage


The aesthetic experience encompasses perceptual, affective and cognitive aspects that education should promote (Eisner, 1995). For this, it is necessary to encourage educational practices that include perception understood as a cognitive act. This act involves emotion and enables the intellectual construction of theoretical concepts. Analyzing the conditions of possibility of the collective production of knowledge with a philosophical approach from the visualization of an audiovisual production, we start from a broad concept of cultural heritage (Prats, 1998), which includes philosophical activity in the framework of its structuring criteria.

To include a debate methodology with a philosophical approach to audiovisual language can serve education in a pedagogical and cultural sense, to the extent that it has been understood as a means of transmitting values and skills, and, in addition, of producing intangible goods, that must be incorporated into the cultural heritage of a community. In conclusion, it will seek to determine an aesthetic approach from which to base the application of cinema-debate in institutionalized educational contexts that enable an expansion of the intangible cultural heritage of the community.


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How to Cite

Vazquez, M. (2024). Cinema-debate: Philosophy and affects in education. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 127–137.


