The role of empathy, compassion and anger in morality: a rapprochement between the philosophies of Prinz and Nussbaum


  • Mariana Fernández CONICET - Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme Burnichon” de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



empathy, anger, compassion


From various philosophical perspectives, such as the philosophy of mind and ethics, we study not only what empathy, compassion, and anger are, but also their moral functions. Furthermore, it is investigated whether these emotions can be managed, taught and learned. Authors such as Prinz (2006) and Nussbaum (2014) talk about what emotions are, and provide empathy, compassion and anger with some moral function. The aim of this paper is to compare the approaches that Prinz (2006) and Nussbaum (2014) make to these emotions from divergent theoretical frameworks. Specifically, their arguments about empathy, sympathy, compassion, anger and concern will be reconstructed. Then, agreements and disagreements between the authors will be presented. This analysis will show if a rapprochement between their philosophies is possible and a broad and plural look at the function of emotions in morality will be obtained.


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How to Cite

Fernández, M. (2024). The role of empathy, compassion and anger in morality: a rapprochement between the philosophies of Prinz and Nussbaum. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 161–178.


