Defining Protected Areas.

Notes on the conservation of nature in Argentina


  • Brián G. Ferrero CITER-CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Argentina.


Conservation, State, Local population, Political arena


Since 2016, 14.7 % of the planet’s lands and 10 % of its territorial waters have been under conservation categories. The Argentine Republic has 437 protected areas that cover 11.9 % of the Earth’s surface and 4.9 % of the marine surface. Protected areas not only conserve environments and species, but also have an impact on the territories and human populations that live within and around them. In the “classical” model of conservation, local populations have been considered as externalities to protected areas, although the link with these populations has been a frequent source of conflicts and negotiations. This kind of relationship between PAs and populations still prevails creating certain tension. In this article, we seek to find a protected areas and conservation definition which includes the link with local populations. Therefore, we develop the concept of the political arena as a social space that unfolds from interpersonal interactions. We carried out some research including various approaches of social sciences on conservation policies, and offer illustrative references to the Iguazú National Parks’ case (Argentina)


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How to Cite

Ferrero, B. G. . (2018). Defining Protected Areas. : Notes on the conservation of nature in Argentina. Revista Universitaria De Geografía, 27(1), 99–117. Retrieved from


