Geography, maps and modelling.

Criteria from realism and spatial quantification


  • Gustavo D. Buzai Universidad Nacional de Luján, Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas / CONICET. Argentina


Human Geography, Modelling, Cartographic Modelling, Spatial Analysis, GIS


Human Geography developed knowledge that allowed to analyse the spatial differentiation of relationships between natural and social aspects from a systemic point of view. At its core are maps and modelling through which the spatial perspectives of its analyses are expressed. The present work will go through the definitions of Geography, scientific realism, the systemic perspective, Quantitative Geography and causal inference to conclude with an applicative analysis based on the procedures of cartographic modelling, a central methodology in the current spatial analysis based on Geographic Information Systems. In this way, the complete path from pure disciplinary definitions to Applied Geography is covered, where the role of spatial models as articulators of the different scales between the highest levels of abstraction and concretion is evident.


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How to Cite

Buzai, G. D. (2023). Geography, maps and modelling.: Criteria from realism and spatial quantification. Revista Universitaria De Geografía, 32(1), 133–157. Retrieved from


