Intertextualidad y sentidos de la ficción en Una meditación, de Juan Benet y en Niebla, de Miguel de Unamuno. Aproximaciones a las vías creativas de lo irracional


  • Adriana Minardi Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET


Ideology, Metafiction, Collective memory


The always problematic figure of the Spanish writer Juan Benet and the space that he constructs with his Región cannot be obviated in the literature that works on the processes of memory as an artistic fact. In this article we will focus on Una meditación (1969), the second novel of the trilogy (being 1967’s Volverás a Región the fi rst and 1972’s Un viaje al infierno the last). In the central place given to memory in this series, Una meditación not only does it talk about memory as a topic (theorizing and classifying it), but also fictionalizes its process as poetic. In this process of fictionalization, a movement that turns memory into a rhetoric art that excludes rationalization is produced. There, transtextual, argumentative, and analytic operations intervene, and the matrix of those operations can be found in an intertextual game with respect to Augusto’s character in Miguel de Unamuno’s novel Niebla, in which two analytic central concepts: first, the creative philosophy of “to be”; then, the art/nature relationship as a negative side of the anti-irrationality of the real. 


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How to Cite

Minardi, A. (2018). Intertextualidad y sentidos de la ficción en Una meditación, de Juan Benet y en Niebla, de Miguel de Unamuno. Aproximaciones a las vías creativas de lo irracional. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (46), 129–147. Retrieved from


