La “poesía de las ciencias” en la obra de Novalis


  • Miguel Alberti UNLP – CONICET


Novalis, poetry of science, German romanticism


This article examines the relationship between poetry and science in the works of Novalis in four stages. First, the meaning of Novalis’ “poetry of science” is analyzed, tackling theoretical aspects of the romantic vision of poetry and how it relates to philosophy and science. Second, some fragments showing the characteristics that “poeticized” scientific writing have for Novalis are discussed. Third, the mechanisms Novalis uses to incorporate themes originating in the natural sciences into his literary work are examined. Finally, some reflections upon the connections these ideas have with the romantic world view regarding the equivalence between man as mikròs-kosmos and world as makròs-ánthropos are provided.    


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Cassirer, Ernst (1948), El problema del conocimiento. IV, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1962), Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog.

Gode-Von Aesch, Alexander (1941), Natural Science in German Romanticism, New York, Columbia University Press.

Martín Navarro, Alejandro (2010), La nostalgia del pensar. Novalis y los orígenes del Romanticismo alemán, Madrid-Sevilla, Thémata-Plaza y Valdés.

How to Cite

Alberti, M. (2019). La “poesía de las ciencias” en la obra de Novalis. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (44/45), 11–28. Retrieved from


