La prosa breve en la obra de Hofmannsthal: Novelle, Märchen y Erzählung


  • Valeria Castelló-Joubert UBA


Hofmannsthal, Novelle, Märchen, Erzählung


Hofmannsthal’s name is not usually present in the anthologies that collect short proses by authors in the German language, neither in the critical studies about that subject. His absence is unnoticed by those who recognise him exclusively as a poet, a dramatist and an opera librettist, but surprises the readers who have knowledge of at least one of his tales. There is no doubt that one and another situation postulate a conception about the short narrative in the German language. And it is also true that Hofmannsthal manifests a certain hesitation in the way he names his prose writings. This article aims to show Hofmannsthal ambivalence towards the short story as a genre, by approaching minutiously his reflection about narrative writing and the different issues offered by the forms of the Novelle, the Märchen and the Erzählung.


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How to Cite

Castelló-Joubert, V. (2019). La prosa breve en la obra de Hofmannsthal: Novelle, Märchen y Erzählung. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (42), 31–48. Retrieved from


