Erotismo y libertad en Querido amigo de Angélica Gorodischer


  • Ana Carina Cremona IDH-UNC – CONICET


Erotism, Transgression, Transculturation


In the novel Querido amigo (2006), Angélica Gorodischer resorts to the combination of two genres that allow her to introduce a very personal vision of the way towards transgression: the epistolary one and the erotic one. By means of a narration in first person express in the letters from the diplomat to his “dear friend”, she draws up the progressive trasculturation of the first one, toward an “other” orientalized culture. The incorporation, every time major, of erotic keys uncover how the self enters into a world of desire and searches for pleasant satisfaction, where the pornography bursts onto sporadically, as a sign of the arrogance and the impunity of whom they possess the power on the bodies of others. This way, while the self becomes detached of taboos and strict cultural structures imposed by the British propriety of the 19th century, moves away from his culture of origin colonial/imperialistic/pro-European until the transgression forces him to die for the Occident to be reborn for the Orient.


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Chevalier, Jean y Gheerbrant, Alain (2003), Diccionario de los símbolos, Barcelona, Herder.

Hall, Stuart (2003), “Introducción: ¿quién necesita ‘identidad’?”, en Hall, Stuart y du Gay, Paul, Cuestiones de Identidad Cultural, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, pp.13-38.

Marzano, Michela (2006), La pornografía o el agotamiento del deseo, Buenos Aires, Manantial.

Páez, Natalia (14 de agosto de 2006), “Lo que molesta es que la gente se va a la cama y lo pasa bien”, Clarín, [disponible en, consultado el 15 de julio de 2013].

How to Cite

Cremona, A. C. (2019). Erotismo y libertad en Querido amigo de Angélica Gorodischer. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (42), 49–65. Retrieved from


