Unidad y decisión: apuntes sobre la crítica y teoría literarias norteamericanas. Norman Holland, Stanley Fish y Paul de Man


  • Nicolás Garayalde CONICET – UNC


Unity, Decision, Reading, De Man , Holland, Fish


I believe that, for different reasons, important American literary theories have not been sufficiently translated and introduced in the Argentine aca-demic field. I think this situation has led to many consequences, including the lack of differentiation between Structuralism and New Criticism and the ignorance about Yale’s Literary Deconstruction. In this article I try to set, taking into consideration the con-cepts of reading, unity and decision, a dialogue between three American authors who represent different view-points in relation to literature: Nor-man Holland, Stanley Fish and Paul de Man. To that end, I will work on the aforementioned concepts, which I consider common and differing points among the stated authors.


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How to Cite

Garayalde, N. (2019). Unidad y decisión: apuntes sobre la crítica y teoría literarias norteamericanas. Norman Holland, Stanley Fish y Paul de Man. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (42), 111–132. Retrieved from https://ojs.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/1566


