Technology appropriation for assignment handling and feedback in academic writing courses: tracing teachers’ decisions in creating their own digital pathways


  • Laura Eisner CELLAE (Centro de Estudios de la Literatura, el Lenguaje, su Aprendizaje y su Enseñanza), Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Andina, Argentina
  • Lucía Cantamutto CIEDIS (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Derechos, Inclusión y Sociedad), Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Atlántica, Argentina - CONICET, Argentina



feedback, digital pathways, evaluation


In recent years, educational practices in Higher Education have been transformed by the implementation of Virtual Teaching/Learning Environments and the incorporation of word processor tools. For academic writing courses, this has provided new resources to organize three central dimensions in teaching tasks: the reception of assignments and feedback submission, guidance in written production, and student performance monitoring. The purpose of this article is to highlight the strategies employed by teachers to integrate digital resources in order to address the simultaneous demands they face in their work. To achieve this, we conducted in-depth interviews with teachers from universities and higher institutes in different regions of Argentina, generating graphical visualizations that allow for the reconstruction of their sequences of actions, identifying how they construct particular pathways through the available digital environments. This enables us to observe the different modes of technology appropriation by teachers and their margin of agency in facing the complexity of feedback and evaluation practices in writing, through the combination of online and offline resources.


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How to Cite

Eisner, L., & Cantamutto, L. (2024). Technology appropriation for assignment handling and feedback in academic writing courses: tracing teachers’ decisions in creating their own digital pathways. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (54), 111–144.


