Determinants of commuting in Brazil: A spatial analysis




Labor Market, Commuting, Spatial Analysis


Decisions about where to live and work involve dilemmas between opportunities, wages, travel time and cost of living. The objective of this paper is to analyze which municipal factors are associated with the highest rates of commuting in Brazilian municipalities in 2010, understanding these movements as possibly spatially autocorrelated. For this purpose, techniques of spatial econometrics were used. Among the main findings is the need to consider spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of pendular mobility determinants. In addition, the results indicate that labor market and urban agglomeration variables are directly associated with greater inflows of commuters. On the other hand, the characteristics of urban infrastructure do not seem to explain
commuting in the same way that it explains migratory attractiveness. 


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How to Cite

Brito, D. J., & Amaral e Silva, M. V. (2021). Determinants of commuting in Brazil: A spatial analysis. Estudios económicos, 38(76), 95–122.


