The balance of payments performance of the automotive industry in Argentina and the impact of investment


  • Rodrigo Pérez Artica Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (IIESS, UNS-CONICET) y Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina



automotive industry, investment, balance of payment constraint, global value chains, value chains


In an economy affected by a shortage of foreign currency, the Argentine automotive complex shows the worst exchange rate performance among the sectors covered by the Central Bank of Argentina statistics. This article reviews the causes of the external defi cit of the sector for the period 2003-2016. We show that the inflow of foreign capital to fi rms in the sector is correlated in the medium term with important net outflows of foreign currency, worsening the external imbalance. In addition, although it is found that the investment of the autoparts segment is low, we argue this is not the cause of the bad external performance, but rather a negative result more than the regional articulation scheme of the production, which relegates the local production of auto parts.


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How to Cite

Pérez Artica, R. (2020). The balance of payments performance of the automotive industry in Argentina and the impact of investment. Estudios económicos, 37(74), 5–35.


