Ricardo and Haberler: an essay on the evolution of the economic thought based on the four magic numbers in the international trade theory





David Ricardo, Gottfried Haberler, Austrian school of thought, Theory of Value, Theory of Comparative Advantage, Epistemology


The Ricardian comparative advantage is one key cornerstone in the international trade theory. There is no shortage of textbooks supposing that Ricardo used solely labour as a factor of production. This approach originates with Haberler in the 1930s, who wrote that Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is robust, but not the labor-cost doctrine, which, Haberler assumed, Ricardo applied. This paper summarizes why Haberler’s perspective emerged, essaying an explanation of his way of interpreting Ricardo. To do this, we considered the new research on Ricardo, whose facets to be known seem to renew over time and never end.


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How to Cite

Poinsot, F. (2021). Ricardo and Haberler: an essay on the evolution of the economic thought based on the four magic numbers in the international trade theory. Estudios económicos, 38(77), 171–185. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2021.2657



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