Value added of Economics programs in Colombia: An analysis quantitative reasoning competency




Education, Value added, Academic skills, MMultivariate analysis, Quality of education


The purpose of this research is to measure the value added in the development of the quantitative reasoning competency of the institutions that offer Economics programs in Colombia. Value added in education refers to the contribution made by an institution, in this case a university, to the development of students’ academic competencies. To measure it, we used a two-level multilevel econometric model. The main results show that the socioeconomic conditions of the students have a positive relationship with academic achievement. Likewise, it was found that the institutions that produce the greatest value added are generally those with the highest performance.


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How to Cite

Cerquera, O. H., & Montes Rojas, G. (2024). Value added of Economics programs in Colombia: An analysis quantitative reasoning competency. Estudios económicos, 41(83), 123–153.


