Assessing the sustainability of production systems through emergy analysis: Basic concepts




Emergy, Transformation, Ecological systems, Emergy intensity, Emergy indicators


The aim of this study was to conceptualize the term “emergy” and the methodological procedure used to assess resource utilization in the generation of goods and services, known as emergy synthesis, along with its implications in agriculture. A documentary investigation was conducted by compiling foundational information to understand this method. In conclusion, emergy analysis in productive systems provides a significant flow of data for decision-making in thedevelopment of agricultural projects. This enables estimating values for various components of ecological and productive systems, as well as defining sustainability conditions for formulating public policies.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Valerio, W., Gómez Alfaro, E., Paniagua Molina, J., Solórzano Thompson, J., & Barboza Navarro, D. (2024). Assessing the sustainability of production systems through emergy analysis: Basic concepts. Estudios económicos, 41(83), 240–260.



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