El ahorro y los obstáculos a la inversión en la cadena de valor automotriz: Una propuesta teórica y empírica


  • Rodrigo Pérez Artica Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (IIESS-UNS/CONICET) - Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina




Investment, Savings, Automobiles


This work begins a study of firm performance in the automotive industry, particularly based on the performance of savings and investment at the firm level. Firstly, it theoretically discusses firms` investment restrictions stemming from the specific nature of the value chain, and other financial and operational factors prone to generate excess savings at the firm level. Second, it empirically studies the behaviour of these variables infirms from Latin America, compared to those from other relevant regions of the world. The results suggest the existence of more marked obstacles to investment and growth in automakers from Latin America.


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2016-06-06 — Updated on 2021-11-12

How to Cite

Pérez Artica, R. (2021). El ahorro y los obstáculos a la inversión en la cadena de valor automotriz: Una propuesta teórica y empírica. Estudios económicos, 33(66), 95–120. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2016.726


