Una explicación de las trampas de pobreza. El circulo vicioso entre el nivel de educación y el nivel de ingresos


  • María Marta Formichella UNS - CONICET




education, poverty, duality, income


This document explains a formal model which describes dualities present in the economy as a result of differences in family human asset accumulation. It is therefore concluded that two unwanted situations will result of this: some families will fall into a poverty trap while others will enter a "relative indigence cycle". One additional conclusion in this document will be that in order to effectively achieve results when enhancing education policies, other elements will be required apart from money investments


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How to Cite

Formichella, M. M. (2009). Una explicación de las trampas de pobreza. El circulo vicioso entre el nivel de educación y el nivel de ingresos. Estudios económicos, 26(52), 49–80. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2009.796


