Regionalismo y cooperación económica en América del Norte


  • Pedro Manuel Rodríguez Suárez Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
  • Elvio Acinelli Gamba Universidad de San Luis Potosí



integration, regionalism, game theory, globalization, international economic cooperation


In this article, the authors undertake a scientific assessment of economic integration in North America from a NAFTA perspective. An analysis around the creation of NAFTA, the cooperation that exists between the three North American economies, as well as the challenges that they face with regards to the evolution of NAFTA. The authors make special reference towards the nationalism feelings that could be observed in North America, particularly in the United States towards NAFTA, since its origins until today. Game Theory aids the authors to consider the validity or failures of economic treaties, such as NAFTA. Moreover, cooperation intra-NAFTA is evaluated, which can be characterized as “trivial”, above all, due to the enormous economic challenges that the region is up against. It is worth emphasizing that this paper is a contribution within the overal l framework of the lengthy debates that have been triggered during recent years across North America in relation to the evolution of NAFTA. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Suárez, P. M., & Acinelli Gamba, E. (2008). Regionalismo y cooperación económica en América del Norte. Estudios económicos, 25(51), 97–114.


