Convergencia arriba, divergencia abajo: ¿a quién le fue tan mal en la economía argentina?


  • Daniel Heymann CEPAL - UBA
  • Adrián Ramos UBA



Income level, Distribution, Economic growth


The paper consists of three brief sections. Firstly deals with questions related to the measurement of income levels. Also in this section the results of some simple exercises of comparison between countries are commented here. In the second section the consequences of the heterogeneities are discussed to the interior of the segments of low and high income. Finally, some observations referred to the relation between distribution and economic growth appear.


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How to Cite

Heymann, D., & Ramos, A. (2006). Convergencia arriba, divergencia abajo: ¿a quién le fue tan mal en la economía argentina?. Estudios económicos, 23(47), 79–90.




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