Oferta y demanda en el sector sanitario: un analisis desde la economia de la salud


  • Karina Temporelli UNS - CONICET




sanitary market, supply health, demand health, market failures


The analysis of the supply and the demand of sanitary services is the previous step for the correct implementation of sanitary policies that answer to the needs of the objective population. In the context of the sanitary sector, these components do not comport of the same form that in the rest of the economy. The complexit y of the sanitary supply, where there are publics, privates and non profits institutions with diferent incentives, do difficult to define a monetary price. On the other hand the problems in the production measurement do difficult the economic evaluation. By the side of the demand the problems of information, the uncertaint y, the payments realized by third that the consumers can not evaluate alternatives in rational way, putting several times his consumption decisions in hands of the suppliers. The aim of this work is to make a review to the difficulties in the analyse of de mand and offer of sanitary services, showing like the health ́s economic analyses this problematic. 


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How to Cite

Temporelli, K. (2009). Oferta y demanda en el sector sanitario: un analisis desde la economia de la salud. Estudios económicos, 26(53). https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2009.887


