Vol. 2 No. 3 (1950): Técnica y Economía

					View Vol. 2 No. 3 (1950): Técnica y Economía

This issue corresponds to the journal Técnica y Economía, belonging to the Instituto Tecnológico del Sur of Bahía Blanca, an institution that later served as the basis for the creation of the Universidad Nacional del Sur. This collection began in August 1949, becoming the first local scientific journal and the main means of disseminating research by faculty and visitor professors of that academic institution. In 1956, the Departamento de Economía and the Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur were created together with the new university, and in 1962 the first issue of the journal Estudios económicos was published, recognizing those early research works as their background.

Published: 1950-03-01