La eficacia de la ficción en De Nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae de Marciano Capela


  • Julieta Cardigni UBA – CONICET


Menippean satire, Fiction, Martianus Capella


In De Nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae (V a.C.), Martianus Capella relates through an allegorical fable, the marriage between Mercury and Philology, discourse and knowledge respectively. The wedding does not take place in the narrative frame of the work, since there are successive digressions that define the treaties on the seven Liberal Arts, so valued later on by the men of the Middle Ages. In this context, the effectiveness of the narrative form chosen plays a key role, especially considering that the discursive ability as a means of having access to the truth is called into question from the outcome of the fable. Thus, De Nuptiis ranges from fictional story and true story, from the alternation of two main narrators: Martianus and Satura, helped to compose the work by the literary genre itself, which becomes, at the same time, their main critique. The present paper analyzes the place of fiction in Martianus' work in multiple levels: as an abstract narrative plot, as an allegorized figure in the character of Satura, and as a problematic literary representation.


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How to Cite

Cardigni, J. (2019). La eficacia de la ficción en De Nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae de Marciano Capela. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (43), 61–72. Retrieved from


