Between Patterns, Threads, and Stitches: Notes on Academic Literacies and Writings in Research




academic literacy, writings in research, academic literacy practices


This work, approached from an auto-ethnographic perspective, recovers reflections on academic literacy practices, primarily related to writing in research. Within this framework, it addresses how these practices are regulated by community expectations and how this feature frames and influences the writing processes. Likewise, in response to the question of what it means to support literacy practices associated with research, it proposes a series of notes that seek to emphasize the role of the teacher to avoid practices of mystery in the face of inherently procedural and complex literacies.


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How to Cite

Taboada, M. B. (2024). Between Patterns, Threads, and Stitches: Notes on Academic Literacies and Writings in Research. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (54), 54–66.


