Vol. 10 (2011): Coherence in Law

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In this issue, the article under discussion is by Amalia Amaya: "10 theses about coherence in law". The author presents, in a succinct manner, some ideas about coherence, in the form of 10 theses. The concept of coherence in law can be understood in terms of constraint satisfaction; 2. Coherentist inference is an explanatory type of inference; 3. Coherence is constructed through operations of contraction, addition and reinterpretation; 4. There are three types of reasons in favor of coherence: epistemic, practical, and constitutive; 8. The primary motivation for coherentist theories is the articulation of a non-skeptical alternative to formalism; 9. Coherentism is a psychologically plausible theory and this is a good reason in favor of it; 10.Coherentism places the agent at the center of a theory of justification. 

Published: 2011-12-01