Vol. 20 No. 2 Especial (2017): Law as Shared Plan. Critical Readings to Legality by Scott Shapiro

					View Vol. 20 No. 2 Especial (2017): Law as Shared Plan. Critical Readings to Legality by Scott Shapiro

This issue is special in many ways. In the first place, it means taking up - exceptionally and for this time - what was the initial format of this journal. Indeed, this issue does not include the Sections Cortes, Libros y Balance. However, it focuses on a critical reading of an entire book. It is close to a mix between our classic main section and our Libros section. Finally, it is the fruit of an academic discussion organized in other latitudes, with a spirit identical to the one that inspires the type of discussions that take place in Discusiones. The Editorial Board considered that given the relevance of the book, the type of discussion and the connections with the format of our issue, that reunion of thinkers deserved to be published in this special issue. Subsequent forthcoming issues will return to our usual format. We hope that readers will find this issue not only special, but also valuable.

Published: 2019-04-26