Input-output tables and their usefulness in the evolution of economy


  • Hugo Ricardo Arreghini Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas,



input, product, consumption, investment, integrative accounting


This work complements a task whose main purpose was to demonstrate the capacity of accounting to integrate the effects informed by the economic entities of a country – individuals, associations, societies, governments – in the preparation of the accounts of the national product. The periodic evolution, demonstrated previously with this research, recognized the participants that consume the product of the Companies, in accounts that identify the Families, Government and Foreign an others that indicated the incidence that this annual process has on the changer that are verified in Fixes Capital and in the Exchange Goods. The technique used now, which is summarized in tables of Input Product, facilitates the subdivision of the item that represents the companies and highlights the influence that can be exercised by the different sectors that compose it.


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How to Cite

Arreghini, H. R. (2019). Input-output tables and their usefulness in the evolution of economy. Escritos Contables Y De Administración, 10(1), 35–70.



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