Competitiveness of Argentine chesse and milk powder exports: A demand analysis of the main importer countries




Differential approach, Input demand, Elasticities, Dairy sector, International trade, Exports


The international trade is crucial to the Argentine dairy sector competitive growth. With a changing world demand, this sector has adapted and introduced in new markets, but with a volatile performance. Owing to the relevance of this demand conditions to the competitiveness of the sector, this paper studies the positioning of Argentine exports of Cheese and Whole Milk Powder using a demand analysis in the main importing markets based on the differential approach of the theory of production. The expenditure, own-price and cross-price elasticities of Argentine dairy products and their competitors are computed; and it is describe the competitive possibilities in the dairy import market by two competitiveness indices.


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How to Cite

Coronel, M. N., García Arancibia, R., & Vicentin Masaro, J. (2022). Competitiveness of Argentine chesse and milk powder exports: A demand analysis of the main importer countries: . Estudios económicos, 39(78), 187–221.


