A static and dynamic assessment of unemployment in Argentina (2003-2019)





Labor market, Unemployment, Sectors, Gender, EPH, Statistic


This paper studies the observable characteristics that determine the duration of an individual’s  unemployment in Argentina for the period from 2003 to 2019. The main objective is to present in a systematic and ordered way the unemployment statistics to characterize that period. Using duration models (Exponential, Weibull and Cox proportional models) we obtain that the age of the person is one of the variables that most affect this period, where the older the person is, the higher the probability of remaining unemployed. In addition to there being a significant difference by region and sex, those individuals who are heads of household reduce the probability of survival in the state of unemployment. Finally, there is no empirical evidence that the sector in which one previously worked influences the duration of job search.


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How to Cite

Favata, F., Montes-Rojas, G., & Zack, G. (2022). A static and dynamic assessment of unemployment in Argentina (2003-2019). Estudios económicos, 40(80), 77–104. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2023.3012


